Beginning in the 2024-25 school year, high school students in grades 9-12 in the World Affairs Council of Greater Reading area are invited to participate in the Global Studies Certificate (GSC) Program. The program is designed for students to accumulate points toward becoming WAC of Greater Reading Global Scholars. A minimum of 100 points are required to qualify for the certificate which is presented at a World Affairs Council program toward the end of the school year or provided to the host school for presentation.

Most of the activities that can be used to accumulate towards completion are World Affairs Council programs (i.e. Academic World Quest, live/Zoom seminars, etc.), however, other activities can be used. For example, the worksheet includes an area for an event at school, a local college or agency that may quality for credit for up to 30 points maximum.

You need to have a school advisor verify your attendance at most events. For any zoom meetings attended at home, you need parent verification.

The program runs through May 31st of each year. Credits earned after that date count toward the following academic year’s total. However, students should submit their worksheets as soon as completed. WAC of Greater Reading will process awards on a rolling basis and will work to get awards to students in time for end of year school recognition ceremonies.


  1. Register as a WAC of Greater Reading candidate. Click HERE.
  2. Download and review the Global Scholars Certificate Worksheet
  3. Plan participation in activities that will earn points toward completion
  4. Ensure activities being recorded are accompanied with appropriate certification
  5. Mail the completed form to:
    World Affairs Council of Greater Reading
    P.O. Box 6301
    Reading, PA 19610
    – or –
    submit online at:

Worksheets are due at WAC Reading by May 31 to be credited for the Spring 2025 award.