The World Affairs Council of Greater Reading (WAC), in honor of the founding members of WAC, is very excited to announce the establishment of a new fund called The Founder’s Club Fund.

This stand-alone Fund will provide an opportunity for donations and specified gifts to be set aside in a dedicated investment account. This Fund will be used in the future to sustain our WAC as a force for global education in our community, especially for students, and to enhance the purposes and goals of WAC. Assets may be spent in furtherance of WAC activities, initiatives, programs and scholarships authorized by motion of WAC’s Board.

The Fund will be structured to accept, without limitation, cash donations, gifts of stocks and bonds, bequests in wills, charitable remainder and other trusts, charitable gift annuities, assignment of life insurance, and transfers of property (including without limitation cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, used automobiles, gold, bitcoin, etc.).

A Committee of Board members and other members in good standing with WAC will oversee and recommend expenditures from the Fund.

To contribute to the Founder‘s Club Fund and the future for global education in our community please see the information below.

For more information, please contact:

John Spitko – WAC Board Member
(610) 777-1866

WAC of Greater Reading
PO Box 6301, Reading PA 19610
(610) 375-7880